Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bagel, Schmagel

By golly, I did make bagels today.  I don't know why it seemed like something that only a professional should do.  I guess because I've heard people say they've baked cookies, cakes and a few brave souls have even baked pies.  I don't know that I've ever heard someone say "I baked bagels today".  

I'm here to say, "Why the heck not!"  I used a recipe by John D. Lee that I found on the net.   It was so much easier that I thought.  Some of them, while mostly round, were somewhat lumpy.  My butt will probably look mostly round and somewhat lumpy if I continue finding such good recipes.  


Necia said...

I love bagels, and yours look sooooooooooooo good.

Persnickety Knits said...

Thanks so much! They disappeared fast.